Photography equipment is not cheap, although it is expensive, you need to plan on getting the best pieces at the price range that is comfortable to you. Ismail Sirdah recommends that you should remember that the quality of your photos depends on the equipment you decide to purchase. To ensure that you are on the right track of becoming a pro photographer, Ismail Sirdah would like to give you a list of 5 items that you MUST have.
First of all, you need to select a camera to use because it is the central piece of this profession. Instead of going for a compact camera, choose a digital SLR camera. Compact cameras are ideal for taking some snaps, but for professional use, a DSLR camera is the best choice. It is more accurate and it allows one to have much more control over the photos.
Although most cameras have an auto-focus mode, DSLR cameras have manual modes to allow a photographer to take much more professional photos. You can browse the internet on guides to help you choose the best camera for your preferred budget.
Camera Lenses
Lenses are the next items you should invest in. You need to have a good lens to make your camera take more beautiful pics. If you go for a bad lens, you will be discounting the quality of images that a quality camera is taking. Depending on the type of photography you are taking, choose a camera that is ideal for that task. For instance, a telephoto lens is ideal for zooming into subjects; it is great for wildlife photography. You can also get a different effect if you get the right filters for your lenses.
Also, make sure that the lens you are purchasing is ideal for the camera you have. To be safe, purchase the lenses from the manufacturer of your camera.
Memory cards
Memory cards store photos from digital cameras, rather than the traditional film. When you go to purchase a memory card for your camera, ensure that you get a high capacity memory card to avoid wasting time replacing memory cards. Ismail Sirdah also recommends that you be aware of the type of memory card you are purchasing since there are SD cards and Compact Flash. The most ideal memory card for SLR cameras is the Compact flash cards because they are bigger. All the same, ensure that you go for the right memory card for your camera.
External Flashguns
One of the least useful components of a camera is the built-in flash. To have a much more effective flash, you need to purchase an external flashgun which makes it possible for you to have better-looking photos since light is bounced across space around the photo. When you go for a flash gun, consider how you are going to use it. If you are going to purchase a flash gun that you will be using on a set, decide on one that has batteries.
Lighting Equipment
We all know how lighting plays a significant part in a photos outlook. You can avoid using a flash if you have studio lighting since it is perfect when it comes to improving the quality of any photo you need. Studio lights are not usually portable, but there are varieties that are portable. The portable versions use batteries as a source of power; this should be placed into consideration when purchasing them, depending on their use.
In summary, photography is a great activity that requires the best equipment for the best photos. All in all, ensure that you learn how to use all these components effectively, to make your investment worthwhile.